So running has gone very well I am now 3 weeks into training for the half marathon. Each Sunday is an achievement because Sundays are long runs. We started going to the gym at 6am and either doing the elliptical for 40 min and then abs or weights or running for at least a 5k. Running a 5k in itself was an achievement at first! I am NOT a natural runner and running has always been really hard for me. My personal best was 5 miles in 48 min. I was running with Justin and Danielle and we were BOOKING it! For now we are going to the gym almost every morning and running or cross training on the elliptical to save our knees and then taking 2 days out of the week to lift weights. Sundays have been dubbed "no walk" sundays. Other days in the week I will succumb to a walk break in between miles when I am hyperventilating. This past Sunday we did 6 consecutive miles (whew) and I battled side stitches all through mile 3 and 4, they finally went away and I was able to run mile 5 strongly. This week is pretty calm with two 4 miles runs, one 2 mile run and a 5K race Sunday. Since I didn't sign up for a race we will have to simulate one and pick up the pace since we will only be going 3.1 miles on Sunday. I really am enjoying my running time and have a great buddy Danielle who meets me at the gym every morning (and gives me the stink eye when I'm late...).
My face in the morning- also some people are worth melting for!
Also Justin has gotten in on the runs in the evening and afternoon (he isn't a big fan of getting up early) and is KILLIN it! I kind of envy him for being able to do this without training but such is life. It is harder for me but no less of an accomplishment for both of us. Another update to come soon.