Sunday, November 9, 2014


It is with a heavy heart that I write this blog.  Star has been my partner and main man for the last 18 years.  He has bee not quite right for the last few but the level of work he has been doing for me was adequate and ok for his pain level.  When he moved back home with me he pulled a shoe the first day he went back out. We proceeded to then go on a roller coaster of lame and not lame for the last 4 months.  When he started being 3 legged lame after stall rest I knew enough was enough. Well the old man has great timing because that was a week before the wedding. So Dana (who has been amazing through all of this helping when I can't get out!) was entrusted to make him comfortable and look after my old man.  We had an understanding that if he wasn't doing better by the time the wedding was over I would take him to go get x-rays.  I will tell you when it comes to my own horse I don't want to be a vet!  Mom was great and took a day off and we hauled him to a practice up the street who's opinion I very much trust.  After a full work up my suspicion were confirmed that this was not an abscess - he had severe DJD of the pastern joint.  His feet were also out of balance which was putting pressure on the arthritis making him severely uncomfortable.  After the treatment discussion he looked me in the eye and said it is time- he does not need to be put through the paces of being a dressage horse and should only be plodded around on.  I understood and was even prepping myself for that the days preceding the visit.  I gave him a big hug and left him to be shod by their farrier.  On the way home mom and I digested the news I knew was a long time coming.  For those of you that don't know Star is 27 years old! He has given me the best partnership and I will be hard pressed to find a horse that I click and work with as well as I do him.  That said I am conflicted being excited looking for a new partner.  I know I will not find a new Star but I think he will be excited to see me go and have fun again.
Now for a walk through memory lane with my amazing man.

Our last show at Macnairs probably 2 years ago now.

After a show at Buckhorn where I messed up my ride time and got no warm up...still kicked everyone's butt :) 

Back at an event in high school. Yellow and green were our colors

He will be retired at our house when the time is right and I will be able to kiss him good morning and good night every day- who gets to say that! We are a lucky pair!

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