Saturday, February 15, 2014

Snow weekend

This last week is what will be always known of the snowpocalypse! The snow was supposed to start at 9 and it didn't come till but when it came....boy did it snow! Everyone got let out of work at noon and were then on the roads...that plus 4 inches of snow = snowpocalypse 2014. Justin was stuck at work...he drove his car to southpoint and road the bus into UNC well the buses weren't running anymore. So he was stuck- he got food and hunkered down in his lab for the night. He worked through the night.  I was at work and decided to leave my car where it was and walked home. My friend Danielle lived further away and I told her to come stay with me. 
Walking home in the snow

We got home and I made lots of food in case the power went out and then had a Disney/chick flick movie marathon. We watched spirit, pitch perfect, toy story 3, and bachelorette.  I haven't watched that many movies in a loooong time! We finally went to bed and I woke up the next morning very anxious for Justin to get home. He finally caught a bus at 10am and was home before noon!! After some food he went to take a long nap. The rest of the day was spent working around the house and making it ready for sale.

All the girls cozy inside.

As a side note... Or amazing realtor and long time friend Laurie Marcey will be listing our house March 6th. I did the paperwork last week and she did a walk through with us.  We still have a good bit of work to do but we are close to having the house staged. The biggest bummer is our kittens have to move home :(. I will miss them terribly but we can't risk them running it the door when we sell the house. 

Back to the snow day.  So after a very nice snow day and an evening filled with board games with just the two of us Friday morning rolled around.
Well during the show I had multiple emergency calls from our university herds for ur safety we were able to manage them over the phone it all of these cases needed attention Friday.  We started at 10am and were till seeing emergencies at a real job!! Thank goodness we didn't have many scheduled appointments.

Then it was off to go home pack do laundry and go to VEGAS!

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