Sunday, February 7, 2016

Snowshoe day 3

Poor Roxy had a messed up stomach and woke us up multiple times to go outside. So the morning was rough. After breakfast I took an hour nap which helped :) 
Mom and Justin took off again to explore more of the slopes and Dad and I signed up for a wine and design. We left Cooper in the bedroom and crossed our fingers he would be good (which he was!!!!). 
The class was very small. Only 4 people but it was very fun! He had us start from scratch and just helped us through hard places. 

My birds on a wire during sunset

Dads birds on a wire during sunset.

We did pretty good didn't we? It was so much fun and I want to do another one soon. 

Mom and Justin came back right as we did and after taking the dogs out we lounged around. We decided not to go tubing- too tired. When they dropped off their rentals we rummaged around the store connected to it- Justin getting his t-shirt which he gets from every place we visit and I got a Christmas ornament :)

We walked the dogs to the village and back and then settled down for an early bed time.

All in all the trip was amazing! I really thought I would get bored but I didn't! Justin really enjoyed skiing - he misses going regularly out west. It was fun to be so un-plugged and without responsibilities. Having the dogs was a blast! We think we will make this a regular trip. A weekend trip is a great length- enough to be refreshed but not long enough to get homesick. And it's an easy length of time to find a farm sitter! 

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